Introducing the Marine Precinct at Whitianga Waterways
A New Era in Freehold Marina Ownership
Whitianga Waterways proudly unveils an exclusive opportunity for boat owners and investors alike – the Marine Precinct at Whitianga Waterways, a premium 28-berth freehold marina development set within one of New Zealand’s most prestigious coastal communities.
Hoppertunity Spring/Summer 2024
Hoppertunity Autumn/Winter 2024
Christmas Do & Dockside Opening
The wait is finally over, and we're beyond thrilled to welcome you to Dockside – Whitianga's stunning new waterfront hub! 🌊✨Pop by to check out our new sales office and the cafe/restaurant, Basker.
Last Saturday, with the weather on our side, we kicked off the festive season with our Christmas get-together whilst also celebrating the opening of Dockside, and Hunting & Fishing across the road.
Bring on summer! ☀️

Hoppertunity Spring/Summer 2023
Hoppertunity Autumn/Winter 2023
Hoppers 2022 Round Up
14 July 2022
August 17, 2021
Covid-19 Update
As at 11.59pm Tuesday the 17th of August, New Zealand is going into level 4 lockdown for 3 days, Auckland and Coromandel will be in level 4 for 7 days. Following this announcement all Hopper sales offices will be closed and following the Level 4 lockdown procedures.
We will continue to keep a close watch on developments, advise you on any changes and assist to make this lockdown as stress free as possible. If you have any further queries please contact Peter Abrahamson - Whitianga Waterways. Keep safe and stay kind
18 FEBRUARY 2021
Auckland is now at Alert Level 2 and the rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 1. Following this announcement Whitianga Waterways have gone into level 1 lockdown procedure.
The communal spaces in the waterways are open, physical distancing guidelines of two metres apply and we ask that all residents and visitors consider wearing a mask or face covering as per Government advice. Staff and contractors will be wearing masks where appropriate. It’s important that you use basic hygiene measures, including washing your hands, coughing or sneezing into your elbow, cleaning surfaces and tracking where you’ve been.
We appreciate your understanding at this time and ask that you abide by the level 1 guidelines click here.
14 FEBRUARY 2021
As of 11:59pm, Sunday 14 February, Auckland will move to Alert Level 3 and the rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 2 until 12 midnight, Wednesday 17 February. Following this announcement Whitianga Waterways Ltd have gone into level 2 lockdown procedure.
The communal spaces in the waterways remain open, physical distancing guidelines of two metres apply and we ask that all residents and visitors consider wearing a mask or face covering as per Government advice. Staff and contractors will be wearing masks where appropriate. It’s important that you use basic hygiene measures, including washing your hands, coughing or sneezing into your elbow, cleaning surfaces and tracking where you’ve been.
We appreciate your understanding at this time and ask that you abide by the level 2 guidelines click here
We will continue to keep a close watch on developments, advise you on any changes and assist to make this lockdown as stress free as possible. If you have any further queries please contact the Whitianga waterways team. (07) 866 0164
Results of the “Des Townson Memorial Regatta” is out. Congratulations to Lindsay Graves for taking 1st place, John Rountree in 2nd place and Greg Stenbeck in 3rd place.
What a great weekend and awesome sailing, Skippers!
Click to enlarge photo
MARLIN MAYHEM 3 & 4 april 2020
Contact Penny 07 866 2123 for more information
APRIL 2019
Here’s the latest image of the new bridge in Whitianga Waterways being constructed.
SUMMER 2018 | 2019
September 2018
Whitianga Waterways is a hive of activity with a number of new projects underway. The new Service Station on the corner of Joan Gaskell Drive is being built quickly by a team of experienced builders and is on track for an opening next month. The stage 10 bridge is well under construction and on schedule for completion in November (a time-lapse video will be published here soon). The Marlin Waters floating clubhouse is looking great on its building site near the canal and should be launched to the waterways in November this year.

August 2018
Whitianga Waterways continues to grow...Stage 10 is looking fantastic and the new road off Joan Gaskell Drive is now sealed. We anticipate the stage 10 roads to be completed and open in October this year. The pre-sales for this stage have been positive and we are expected titles in early 2019.
Kupe Road extension in Stage 9 is now open and 60% of the stage 9 section have sold. Kupe Road is looking great, with new homes being built each week.
The Dockside retail zone sees the building of the fuel station underway with plans to open later this year.

Mediterranean Fanworm - Sabella spallanzanii
You may be aware the imminent threat that this invasive species poses. We must take responsibility to follow the reasonable steps necessary to keep the Coromandel region free from infestation. Mediterranean Fanworm has the potential to be a significant threat to the NZ Biodiversity. The worm has taken hold in several regions around the North Island, and is prolific in Auckland, so vigilance is necessary, especially if you keep (or visit for prolonged periods) your vessel in the infected areas.
What can each of us do to prevent the arrival of this pest?
Waikato Regional Council and other Marine Operators are requesting Boats visiting the Coromandel this summer to:
a. Anti-foul vessel hull within the last 6 months or:
b. vessel has been lifted and washed within the last month
We ask property owners to convey these new recommendations to visitors arriving in their vessels, in the aim to avoid any unwanted surprises and the spread of Mediterranean Fanworm.
If you should sight the Fanworm or any other unusual looking marine animal, are asked to report it to MPI’s pest and diseases hot-line 0800 809966 or call the council on 0800 800 401.
These are reasonable measures to mitigate the spread of fan worm.
For further information on Mediterranean Fan Worm please visit the Ministry of Primary Industries Website by clicking here.